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Urban Campus Setting? – Five Ways To Save!

Deciding to further an education is one of the smartest moves anyone can make. Countless studies have shown that, on average, people with a college degree earn more in their lifetime than those individuals with only a high school diploma. College opens up a realm of possibilities and also gives a world of experiences that can often not be duplicated. That being said, though, there are some major expenses that come along with deciding to attend college. It is easily one of the biggest expenses in life but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. If you are looking to attend colleges in Chicago Illinois, or really any urban area, there are ways to save money to keep that overall expense low. Here are 5 great ways to save.

Public Transportation

Urban colleges definitely edge out smaller community colleges in the area of transportation. Cars are expensive. The gas alone can quickly drive up a budget and adding in insurance, car payments and maintenance can quickly capsize a student’s budget. Public transportation is ideal because it saves time and money. Many of the colleges in Chicago Illinois are near public transportation. It is dependable and a great way to lower your carbon footprint as well. The key is buying a pass. Bus lines, train lines and even subways offer discounts on pass cards that allow you to ride a certain amount of times for a low fee.

Jobs Near Campus

Besides public transportation, you can definitely save money by picking a job near the college campus. How does this save you money? Most jobs found near college campuses are very flexible with shifts because most workers are students. You can go through the Financial Aid office of your college to find local jobs that allow you to take advantage of flexible schedules, great work experience and is near enough that you can hit your classes easily.

Minimize or Downsize

College campuses in urban areas are almost like self sustaining communities within a large metropolitan area. With public transportation and jobs, there comes an increase in housing. One of the downside to college living is that most apartments or housing tend to be small but that is ideal for saving money. By downsizing your living requirements you will save money on rent, furnishings and utilities. The key is making every item in your home function efficiently. You will be amazed at how frugal you can be when you are limited on space. If you are in the position of being able to have a roommate, definitely consider it. It will halve your living expenses.


The Internet is a valuable tool and used in urban colleges throughout the country. You will definitely need it for school but you also need it to save money. On the surface it does seem like a frivolous expensive but stop and consider how much time can be saved with a few searches or membership on a few select websites. There are many websites set up specifically to save people money. There are barter websites, book websites and even discount websites that offer coupons on public transportation, rent, and even every day necessities.

Spend Less

This may seem a bit redundant because of course…you want to save money. This bears mentioning though because there are hundreds of ways that most people waste money. An urban environment affords you the wonderful opportunity of spending less and most people do not realize it. Are you purchasing movies, CD’s or even text books? Get a library card and you can borrow them. Do you frequent a coffee shop? Taking your coffee from home or signing up for a discount card is really a great way to save money. When the punch card, or discount card, is full then you are often rewarded with a free item. These are everyday ways to save.

The real key in saving money is utilizing the college to its utmost. Colleges in Chicago Illinois, New York City or even San Francisco are all designed to help students. There are advisers, instructors and even fellow students that can really help you get your finances together so that college becomes affordable and you can actually save money.

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